Example of Speech on Social Menace

 A Speech on Drug Addiction

Hi Everybody! I, Punita, stand before you to present my views on Drugs Addiction.

Friends, no-one is unaffected by stress in this modern world l, whether he is a child, youngster or senior citizen. Children are supposed to do better than their class-mates in examinations and other co-curricular activities. Youngsters are expected to earn more and more money. Older persons are stressed because of family problems.

 Unable to cope with, and live up to the expectations, some either decide to end their life or take recourse to drugs for temporary escape from rigors of life. The initial momentary escape and mental relaxation encourage people to use drugs more frequently. Gradually, the body becomes habitual of drugs and cannot survive without its daily dose. This physical and mental dependence on drugs is called drug addiction.

Mainly the drugs are chemical compounds that alter the way of body function. Some drugs are prescribed by the physicians to cure diseases or sometimes to enhance physical and mental capacity, but psychotropic drugs accompany the risk of dependence on them. Though
these drugs induce a feeling of ecstasy, yet they are harmful to the body in long run. Drug abusers use contaminated needles which contain the risk of contracting diseases which include blood poisoning, formation of abscess serum, hepatitis and AIDS. Shortage of money makes the drug abusers resort to crime.

Our country has been confronted with the problem of an increased trafficking in drugs. In spite of concerted efforts by the government, the menace has been spreading at a rapid rate. Youngsters have been becoming vulnerable to drugs. Society should help the government in the eradication of this menace. Parents should befriend their children and guide them. If someone falls prey to the menace, s/he should be counseled. The family,
friends and relatives should contribute towards the treatment and rehabilitation of the abuser.

To conclude, drug addiction is a menace that has ruined thousands of lives and has been spreading at a rapid rate. It is our moral responsibility to make people aware of its harmful consequences. Friends, let's take an oath to hit this menace out of our country.

Thanking you for read my blog 😁😁
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