Essential Requirements for Group Discussion

 Q.:- What are the requirements for group discussion?


 Essential Requirements:-

Group discussion is an effective technique for evaluation of candidates' personality traits to select for a job or admission to professional courses. The candidate needs to acquire certain skills to prove her/him. S/he must possess:

(a) All-round Knowledge: GD is based on participants' knowledge. It is necessary for a participant to be aware of current affairs, burning sOCial, economic, political and environmental issues, scientific advancements, and lot more. In case the topic is not announced in advance, s/he must have perfect knowledge about the issues related to the topic.

(b) Analytical Thinking: The participant should have analytical bent of mind and rational thinking. S/he should analyze the situation, problem, condition, and topic. S/he should listen to each participant carefully in order to analyze his/her views.

(c) Systematic Approach: The participant should adopt systematic, scientific, and realistic approach. S/he should be impartial, rational, and factual. S/he should view the situation objectively, and utilize concrete and foolproof illustrations. The ideas and arguments should be backed by relevant facts and figures.

(d) Leadership Qualities: The participant should possess leadership qualities. There is no named leader of the group, but a good leader takes self-initiative and establishes her/him as a leader. S/he must initiate the proceeding of discussion, try to keep the discussion on a right track, promote positive atmosphere, clarify points when required, and lead the discussion to a successful conclusion.

(e) Team-management Skill: The participant needs to possess team management skill to be successful in a GD. Employers look for the candidate who can work in a team -oriented environment. The examiner(s) assesses whether the participant is a team player who can get along with people, or an individualist who is always fighting to save his/her ego. Team management skill includes positive attitude, adaptability, cooperation and coordination.

(f) Self-confidence: The participant should be self-confident. S/he should talk with confidence and self-assurance. S/he should be bold and assertive without being offensive, aggressive and rigid. Her/his body movements should reflect confidence which may not only impress the examiner(s), but also help to lead the group. S/he should avoid being boastful and pretend that s/he knows everything. S/he should keep in mind that overconfidence causes failure whereas under-confidence leads to lack of productivity.

(g) Patience: The participant should never lose her/his patience. S/he should not show aggression. S/he should listen to other participants' views, and present her/his views forcefully. S/he should not jump the gun, rather wait for right time to present the views.

(h) Appropriate Language: The participant should use appropriate language which can make the meaning clear. The points should be clear and easily understandable to the audience. S/he should avoid indirect expressions, exaggeration, artificial eloquence, and ornamentation in speech. S/he should use direct, clear and specific language to present the views.

(i) Oral Communication Skill: Group discussion is an oral activity. The participant needs to be proficient in speaking. Ability to speak confidently and convincingly is one of the prerequisites of success in group discussion. The observer(s) closely evaluates the oral communication skill of the candidates. S/he generally assesses clarity of expression, pronunciation, intonation, and effective non-verbal communication skills of the candidates.

(j) Non-verbal Skills: Body movements make oral communication more effective. The participant should use non-verbal cues, such as eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, and so on. Proper eye contact reflects confidence; shirking of eye communicates nervousness, frustration, weakness, and insecurity. S/he should also use proper hand movements wherever required.

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Read more:-
Group discussion- Introduction
Group discussion- Characteristics
Group Discussion- Process
Interview- Basics
Effective Communication- Tips
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