Types Of Communication

Q.:- How many types of communication are there?



Communication is an essential part of human life. We constantly keep on sending messages to different persons in different ways. Sometimes we convey a message by speaking, ands sometimes by writing; but sometimes we do not use words to convey the message, rather communicate it through body movement(s) or using a picture, drawing, colour, etc. Wec cannot convey messages in the same way all the time. We use different ways in different

situations. Keeping in view, the communication can be:

  • Verbal communication
  • Non-verbal communication
  • Visual communication
  • Formal communication
  • Informal communication

Verbal communication:-

Verbal means 'expressed through words. The communication with the help of words is called Verbal Communication. These words can be taken from some language. All the formal communication is carried out through words which can be spoken as well as written. It can further be divided into oral and written communication. 'Spoken communication or the communication employing speech' is known as Oral Communication, whereas the communication through written words is known as Written Communication. Both are the components of verbal communication. Language is an essential requirement for both.

Features of Verbal Communication:-

  • Verbal communication is organized, structured and easy to study.
  • It is carried out through words.
  • Symbols of verbal communication are universal.
  • Verbal communication facilitates formal communication. The message has legal validity and can be preserved for future reference.

Oral communication:-

Oral communication means 'transmission of message through spoken words. In this type of communication, the sender and the receiver exchange their ideas, feelings, emotions, thoughts or information through speaking and listening channel. There can be two or more persons involved in the process who transmit the message through spoken words. The speaker makes use of some precise and distinct sounds, and the receiver hears and decodes

them to understand the meaning of communicated words, phrases and sentences. They can do so either through face-to-face interaction or with the help of some mechanical or electronic device.

Face-to-face oral communication is the most recognized form of human communication. It requires the presence of both, the speaker and the listener, at the same time and at the same place. Non-verbal means, like body movements, facial expressions, eye-contact, etc., are an essential part of this form of communication. Use of these means enhance the effectiveness of communication. Both the speaker and the listener observe the movements and derive meaning from the non-verbal cues. The listener also has the opportunity to speak-back which enables two-way communication. It can be informal (with friends, family members or so), or formal (at a formal occasion, like a meeting, seminar or professional presentation ).

Oral communication can also take place from some distance, but it requires some mechanical, electronic or electrical device, like phone, mike, radio, internet, etc., to transmit the message. In most cases, non-verbal means are not a part of this form of communication, rather tone of voice and pace of delivery take priority over other expressions. It is a common form of delivery and has made the world a smaller and more accessible place.

Advantages of Oral Communication:-

Oral communication has following advantages:

  • It is a fast medium of communication. Oral messages reach to the receiver within no time.
  • It enables immediate feedback and provides the receiver an opportunity to clear her/his doubts then and there.
  • The speaker can make out reaction(s) of the listener(s) and make required change(s) on the spot. If the message is not clear to the listener(s), s/he can immediately change her/his voice, words or tone to make it clear.
  • The speaker can use non-verbal means along with oral communication which enhance the effectiveness of communication.
  • It saves time and money as no stationery or material is required to convey an oral message.
  • It helps in developing healthy interpersonal relations as well as adds personal touch to the process of communication.


Oral communication has following limitations:

  • It is unfit for lengthy messages. Tables, diagrams, pictures, etc., cannot be communicated through oral communication.
  • An oral message can or cannot be complete because sometimes the speaker uses short or half sentences.
  • Oral messages have less legal validity as the person can deny at any point of time whatever s/he said. Most of the times, it is difficult to keep the proof of oral messages for future reference. Furthermore, oral message cannot be retained for a long time.
  • Presence of both, the speaker and the listener, at the same time, is an essential requirement of oral communication.
  • Fraction of inattentiveness can result in loss of receiving important information which can cause misunderstanding. Moreover, the listener(s) need to comprehend quickly because the message is uttered once.

Written Communication:-

Written communication refers to 'the transmission of message through written or printed symbols'. It is the act of writing, typing or printing symbols, like letters and numbers to convey a message. Information is exchanged in writing with documentary proof. It is essentially a creative activity and requires conscious effort. It is carefully thought out. The writer makes use of some stationery or material to write the message, and the receiver understands the

meaning of communicated symbols through reading and decoding process. It can be used in informal as well as formal situations. Written communication is transmitted through words in the form of books, magazines, letters, pamphlets, memos, manuals, e-mails, etc. it can beu used as an evidence because the person cannot deny whatever s/he has written.

Advantages of Written Communication:-

Written communication has following advantages:

  • It is suitable for lengthy messages. All kinds of information can be conveyed through written communication.
  • It has advantage of being accurate and unambiguous.

  • Presence of both, the sender and the receiver, at the same time, is not necessary.

  • It is useful to send a message at different places in one go.
  • It develops better understanding of the message because the receiver can take time to comprehend the meaning of message. The message can be read repeatedly as manya as times the reader wants. S/he can also read the message at a convenient time.
  • It has legal validity and can be used as evidence. Even the responsibility of mistake can be fixed easily.

  • The writer can think, analyse and take time to put the message in.
  • Reading has a long lasting impact on the reader.


Written communication has following limitations:

  • It requires huge amount of paper work.
  • It is a costly means of communication as a lot of time and money is spent on the drafting and circulation of a message.
  • It is a time-consuming activity that requires long practice and patience in learning.
  • It lacks flexibility, as once written and sent cannot be changed easily.
  • Most times, immediate feedback is not possible.
  • It lacks personal touch between the reader and the writer.
  • Non-verbal cues cannot be used in this type of communication.

  • It is unfit for uneducated person(s).

Non-verbal Communication:-

'Action speaks louder than words? Sometimes words fail to convey essence of the message, but actions, facial expressions, gestures and body movements make the meaning clear. Many-a-times expressions appear unintentionally and enhance the effectiveness of communication. The communication, without use of words, is termed as Non-verbal Communication. It includes the sending and receiving of wordless messages. Spoken or written words are not used in this type of communication. It is the process of conveying a message without use ofv verbal language. It helps in making a message clear, effective and forceful. Dumb Charades' is an example of non-verbal communication.

It is an ancient form of communication and existed much before the development of language. Gestures, signals, postures, facial expressions, body language and sign language are some of the components of non-verbal communication. Other than these, tone, pacea and pitch of voice also contribute to the meaning of a message. It is generally unplanned, but has more impact than verbal communication. It often goes along with oral

communication. If used appropriately, both of them supplement and complement to each other. This form of communication also helps to communicate with a deaf and dumb, an uneducated or intellectually retarded person, or the person not knowing sender's language. Non-verbal means can be auditory as well as visual. Bells, whistles, horns are auditory means whereas signs, signals and pictures are visual means.

Features of Non-verbal Communication:-

  • Non-verbal communication is free from written or oral words. The message is conveyed through signs, signals, postures, gestures, body movements, etc.
  • It does not require any language. An illiterate person can also communicate with the help of non-verbal means.
  • It helps to know the mood, attitude, feelings, likes or dislikes of a person.

Advantages of Non-verbal Communication:-

  • Non-verbal communication supplements oral messages. Sometimes words fail to convey exact meaning of the message, but non-verbal means make the meaning clear.

  • It makes communication possible with illiterate, deaf and dumb, or intellectually retarded persons.

  • Non-verbal behaviour facilitates to know the mood, attitude, feelings, likes or dislikes of a person.

  • It creates interest of the receiver.


  • Non-verbal communication is unstructured. Sometimes it is difficult to study because non-verbal symbols vary from culture to culture and have different meanings in different cultures. They are liable to be misinterpreted or misunderstood.

  • It is unfit for formal communication and has no legal validity.

  • Mostly, it is not effective at the time of communication to a large gathering. It is effective only in face-to-face interaction or small group communication.

  • It is not taken seriously all the time.
  • Certain messages about the ideas or concepts cannot be expressed through non-verbal communication. Moreover it is difficult to preserve a non-verbal message.

  • It requires receiver's serious attention. In case the listener/viewer is inattentive, it becomes ineffective.

  • It is worthless in case of communication to a blind person because s/he cannot see the visual signs and signals.

Visual Communication:-

There is a Chinese proverb: "A picture is worth a thousand words”. A picture makes a concrete impression on the mind of an individual and makes the meaning clear. Sometimes only pictures are used to convey a message, and sometimes they are used along with written content. Pictures enhance the effectiveness of written content.

Visual communication is the act of sending a message through visuals, like photographs, drawings, sketches, charts, graphs, maps, colours, visual signs, or so. These visuals reinforce verbal communication and help to make a point. They help the viewer to consume the idea(s) and information in a better way. They are often used as an aid during formal presentations to provide the context alongside the written content. They are called visuala aids which help the speaker to remember important points, give the audience something to look at, and convey the message in an effective manner.

Formal Communication:-

The communication for official purpose is known as Formal Communication. It conforms to the prescribed professional rules, policies, procedures, standards and regulations. It

follows a proper predefined channel which is determined and controlled by some official(s). The style and functioning of communication is quite formal. It flows along the different hierarchical levels of an organization. It generally takes place between two or among more than two designations.

Features of Formal Communication-

  • Formal communication is official. It is carefully thought out, planned, organized and structured.

  • It carries formal messages which have accuracy and authenticity.

  • It consists of work related matters.

  • It is systematic and flows in fixed directions.

Informal Communication:-

The communication that is not official is known as Informal Communication. It consists of the ideas and information resulting from social interaction. Any person can communicate with another person regardless of rank, position or status. It is free from all kinds of formalities. It is completely based on informal relations of the sender and the receiver. It exists on a larger scale side by side with formal communication. It is spontaneous and unplanned. No rules and regulations are followed in this kind of communication. Information does not flow in a designated direction, rather can flow in every possible direction. In addition, the information can or cannot be true.

Features of Informal Communication:-

  • Informal communication is based on personal interaction. It carries informal messages.

  • It is a fast moving process. The message reaches to the receiver within no time.

  • It carries informal messages which have no legal validity. The message can or cannot be accurate. It is even difficult to find the origin of an informal message sometimes.

  • It can flow in every possible direction.

To conclude, communication is the sum total of all the types. All of them supplement and compliment to each other. However they contain different forms, but support each other. The sender uses them as per the requirement and demand of situation.

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